About Us
Microbit is a South African SME based in Pretoria specialising in some areas of the Information and Comunications Technology and related industries, providing consulting and said services for organisations making use of ICT.
Included in our area of expertise are the following:
Data services:
- Data entry / data capture: scanning, OCR, manuallly etc.
- Data validation, integrity, consistency and error checks
- Data processing (OLTP, imports, exports, format / data conversions, extrapolation, assisting with or performing forensic investigations / auditing, intelligence analysis, analytical, comparisons, filtering, historical and live monitoring, repairs, extractions (including from unstructured data using various parsing methods), formatting, legal evidence gathering etc.)
Regular expression scanning and replacing or updating of data
Searching and identifying matches / processing of data sets using phonetic algorithms like soundex / metaphone
Simple search and replace or spell check processing on extremely large data sets
Processing and cleaning up of terra bytes using low level operating system procedures
Fact finding through multiple layers of obfuscation
Electronically scrutinise and uncover secrets, hidden data and illuminate undisclosed details from e-mails
We can use standard and custom tools developed by ourselfs using the C programming language for speed, accuracy, and to ensure complete control over resulting data sets
- Various system investigations based on system provided data, e.g. performance, compromisation, access, infiltration analysis on log files etc.
- Investigate and report on a company's open standards conformance and level of service-oriented architectures in use.
- Data Warehouse creation (Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) using custom data aggregators combining data from a multitude of data sources) / maintenance and updates
- Converting large row oriented data stores to column oriented for read speed increases
- Various Business Intelligence (BI) services (e.g. OLAP Cubes processing according to business needs or we can apply custom modelling to empower better business decisions etc.)
To say that you have all the BI you need, is like saying your business is completely optimised and there is nothing more you can do.
- Data Mining
- Metadata extraction / creation
- Database normalization
- Data quality surveys and data quality consulting services
- Report writing using standard and custom tools (reporting technology)
- Interface development
- Automated data processing tools development (Console and Windows based utilities, Windows services, Daemons, Scripts using various languages etc.)
- Converting / transferring data between systems
- SQL Query / Stored Procedure / Trigger / SQL View development
- Data encryption (e.g. For archival, backup, transport security etc.)
- Data compression (e.g. For archival, backup, transport efficiency)
- Data watermarking for identification on graphics files
- Competition intelligence activities, i.e. attempt discovery of competitor tactics where public / free data is available
Some databases used (in some cases on both Linux and Windows operating systems):
- FireBird / Interbase
- IBM db2
- Microsoft SQl Server (Experience starting from version 4!)
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- CSV, maildir, mbox, MDB, Microsoft Access, PBL, Sleepy Cat BerkleyDB...
- Various ISAM based: B-Tree based, dBase, Flat file, Paradox etc.
Relational Database Management System services:
- Locking and deadlock resolution investigations
- Concurrency investigations / optimisations
- Performance monitoring
- bottleneck identification
- Database reverse engineering
- Database recovery
- Real-time database replication development or with custom tools
- Design and implement master / slave data synchronization / replication processes accross an enterprise network ensuring common views of core business data.
Information can be synchronized across functional areas, business units and even disparate systems to enable enterprise-wide data consistency and visibility and thereby satisfying the prerequisite for holistic decision making and efficient business operations
- Built custom solutions that allow organisations to integrate with existing legacy and disparate systems, applications and data
In line streams processing
- Video frames processing using custom components or standard tools
- Network filtering on raw IP packets
- Processing of protocol based packets, for example SMTP, HTTP, FTP etc.
We might just make you re-realise the value of your data...
Software development:
- Primary programming languages: C/CPP
- Web development languages / standards: HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript
- Custom report writing: SQL, C/CPP
We can also act as an intermediate or project manager on behalf of your company in fields that demand back and forth translation between business-speak and code.
Other services:
- General ICT services and consulting
- ICT Products and management consulting
- Business productivity solutions
- Project management and review
- Strategy analysis
- Assisting companies suspecting bloated ICT budgets in investigating and possibly implement cost saving strategies, lowerig their total cost of ownership (TCO) without technological setbacks
- Infrastructure optimisation
- Investigate, report on, and assist / guide business initiatives on effective technology usage
- Systems monitoring
- Develop what-if scenarios and contingency plans - there is no bullet-proof service, neither internal nor outsourced, no matter what brightly coloured brochures say!
- Design and implement secure solutions satisfying both user and enterprise demand for unfettered technology access accross home and work
- Custom syslog server implementations with inline filtering and subsequent alerts via SMS, email etc.
- Application, web and database design and development
- Web 2.0 AJAX or standard HTML/JavaScript applications for custom monitoring of anything interfacable to a PC.
- Networking services
- Bulk graphics conversion / processing (e.g. watermarking, high quality size reduction, labeling, meta updating and numerous other filter based formatting)
- Document imaging / scanning and optical character recognition (OCR)
- Data sampling / data gathering / data acquisition services (e.g. at specific intervals using custom built electronic censor circuits)
- Creating specialised DLL / SO libraries or Windows and Linux executables for accessing data optimised by means of B-Trees, Red / Black Trees, hashed data sets, data bitmaps etc.
- Bulk processing, turning restructured text or unstructured text into HTML, XML, RTF etc.
- Business process management / project management / implementation management / status management / Service Level Agreement (SLA) management
all done using our flexible GEMS application with a full and proven track record and complete and accurate management reporting.
Example of custom utilities developed for 3rd parties using the C programming language and Win32 API:
The following three were developed with the minimum use of 3rd party APIs to ensure maximum robustness
- SMTP mail processing interface for custom processing of mails between two systems from two companies
- Multiple folder monitor Windows service that transfers files via FTP to different locations as and when new files are created or updated
- Two way FTP text file transfer and processing interface, on one side timed FTP directory checks and on the other a directory change detecting trigger
We also develop the Global Event Management System (GEMS) which is an application used for managing any process that is status and event driven such as call logging, management of on site maintenance, asset and SLA management, device monitoring using SNMP, log monitoring and more.
We also do contract development in various programming languages and can also develop full scale applications, utilities, mail / file based interfaces and more in C, whether it be for a console, Win32 based GUI or a Windows service application.
For cost conscious companies many free tools can be used / implemented, it's also easy to prove their value to management because the value will be instantly visible when you do an ROI and your investment is close to zero.